Chair:  Jamie Konecsni
Vice-Chair: June Lepard
Secretary:  Amanda Brewster
Treasurer:  Suzanne Pelzer
Preschool Representative:  Amanda Butz
Member(s):  Amanda Butz, Thera Nordal Cassie Geiger, Rob Geiger
The School Community Council (SCC) is an advisory body consisting of parents, community members, school administrators and school staff.  The focus of the SCC is to build shared responsibility for the learning success and well-being of all students.  The SCC promotes parent and community involvement in school planning and improvement.  Parents and community members are welcome and encouraged to attend meetings and support school programs and special events.  Become involved, make a difference.
2023-2024 Meeting Dates:
Sept. 19 - 6:30 pm
October 18 - Annual General Meeting - 7:00 pm
November 15 - 6:30 pm
January 17 - 6:30 pm
March 13 - 6:30 pm
May 6 - 6:30 pm
Annual General Meeting Minutes from Oct. 18, 2023